

  • 主演:Vincent Munier  Sylvain Tesson  
  • 导演:Marie Amiguet  Vincent Munier  
  • 分类:纪录片
  • 地区:法国
  • 年份:2021
  • 更新:2022-12-22 18:17
  • 简介:  Going well beyond the conventions of the expedition film genre, Marie Amiguet sets up he camera on the Tibetan Plateau accompanied by the wildlife photographer Vincent Munier the adventure writer S..
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  Going well beyond the conventions of the expedition film genre, Marie Amiguet sets up he camera on the Tibetan Plateau accompanied by the wildlife photographer Vincent Munier the adventure writer Sylvain Tesson, who describes their time in his book La Panthère desneiges which won the Prix Renaudot in 2019. Will they succeed in seeing the big cat? In th process of capturing the anticipation, the silence, the passing of the days and the strength nature, an obvious theme emerges: the beauty of the world.


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