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  • 剧情介绍
  Have you ever seen Uwe Boll's weirdo slasher flick Seed? Better yet, have you even heard of it? It doesn't matter. You're going to. Especially when the recently announced Seed 2: The New Breed comes around. www. 5233tv.com
  Dr. Boll will be serving as producer on this one with Marcel Walz directing. Caroline Williams, Christa Campbell, Nick Principe, Jared Demetri Luciano, Manoush, Natalie Scheetz, Annika Strauss, and Sarah Hayden star.
  Plot details are currently under wraps, but we'd expect lots of hammering, slicing, dicing, screaming, and all around general mayhem. You gotta like that, right? That's just how these movies roll. More soon!


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